Know The Answer?
Name the two tribes that settled in the same territory.
Simeon and Judah

Joshua 19:1
Reflections: Teen Talent
Youth Magazine
June-July 1981
Volume: Vol. I No. 6
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Reflections: Teen Talent
Youth Magazine Staff  

BEING A TEEN: Happiness and fun, Anger and trials. Had thousands of tests. Ran a few miles. Have seen plenty of sadness, Unfairness and pain. Been struck out in softball, No fortune and fame. Have seen people smile, Have seen people frown. Everything and anything. Getting them down. It's not that easy, As we have seen. To live in this world, And to be a teen. The teachers' yells. The crowded halls. Played volleyball in gym. And missed the ball. Well, age 20 is nearing. And we have seen, What it's really like. To be a teen.

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Youth MagazineJune-July 1981Vol. I No. 6