Know The Answer?
How old was Joash when he became King of Judah?

II Kings 11:21
What I Never Knew About Dad
Youth Magazine
June-July 1984
Volume: Vol. IV No. 6
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What I Never Knew About Dad
Darris L McNeely      |   Remove Highlight

Going through the old photos, I began to wonder what else I didn't know about Dad. "Dad, what's this picture of?" I asked as I handed over a small black-and-white snapshot. "Oh, that's the first American military cemetery dug in France during World War II. I helped dig that with a bulldozer a few days after D day in June, 1944." He did? I'd never heard about that before, I thought, as I placed the wrinkled old photo back in the shoe box that contained dozens of old family pictures. Since boyhood, I had looked at that picture many times and had not known what it was. I had not asked.

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Youth MagazineJune-July 1984Vol. IV No. 6