Know The Answer?
Who are we: We are scattered and very small. We are persecuted by all. We keep God's commandments and it sure makes us a happy lot. One day we will shed this body, and rise to meet Jesus Christ in the sky.
The Church of God
The Key to Human Survival
Youth Magazine
August 1984
Volume: Vol. IV No. 7
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The Key to Human Survival

If you and I were discussing the matter of what subject I should write about, and you should say, seriously, "Mr. Armstrong, in view of the deadly seriousness and the urgency of this time, I think you should write on the most urgent problem in all our lives right now - the question of whether, and how, we may survive!" I would agree. The one BIG QUESTION in all our lives, right now, is that of human SURVIVAL! But I hasten to add, survival alone IS NOT ENOUGH! We must have survival in PEACE, in happiness, in joy, in prosperity and in abundant well-being for ALL!

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Youth MagazineAugust 1984Vol. IV No. 7