Know The Answer?
Many of the Kings of Ireland, Scotland and England have been coronated over a stone which rests in the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey. What is the name of this stone?
Jacob's pillar stone or the Stone of Scone, or the Stone of Destiny.

Genesis 28:18
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Reader By-line: "Hey, Look Me Over"
Jennifer Swihart  

As you go to see the Howards' newborn baby, you're excited! You can't wait to see the cute, smiling infant with rosy, pink cheeks who looks like an advertisement for baby food. Instead, the Howards show you an entirely red, toothless, bald, prune-faced, screaming little creature. They automatically expect you to say something nice about their baby. They may expect, "Oh, what a cute baby!" But you can't lie. Coming up with nothing to say, you suddenly blurt out, "Well, that sure is a baby, isn't it!" Early in life, a child begins to learn the social importance of physical appearance. The first books many children read are centered around physical appearance, such as The Ugly Duckling, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Dumbo the Elephant.

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Youth MagazineSeptember 1984Vol. IV No. 8