Know The Answer?
What special thing did David want to do for God?
Build God a house.

II Samuel 7
You Think You're Bored... Read This!
Youth Magazine
December 1984
Volume: Vol. IV No. 10
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You Think You're Bored... Read This!
Mike Bennett  

A mixture of completely serious and downright off-the-wall activities to meet your excitement quota. Thrills and spills! Challenge and adventure! It's extremely important to meet your recommended daily allowance of these vital elements. But unless you're a 007 spy, it's not always easy to get enough excitement in your life. Did you know that dozens of electrifying experiences are waiting for you right now? You'll want to design your own adventure, but here are some crazy and not-so-crazy ideas to get you started.

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Youth MagazineDecember 1984Vol. IV No. 10