Know The Answer?
When did Timothy begin to learn the scriptures?
From childhood.

II Timothy 3:15
The World Tomorrow Program
Youth Magazine
January 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 1
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The World Tomorrow Program
Youth Magazine Staff  

Giving hope in an age that appears hopeless Violence, turmoil and unhappiness plague this world! Yet one voice is crying out with solid solutions - with the good news of a better world soon to come! For more than 50 years Herbert W. Armstrong has authoritatively explained the meaning behind world events on the World Tomorrow program. now seen on more than 395 television stations worldwide. From state-of-the-art television studios in Pasadena, California, Herbert W. Armstrong delivers weekly telecasts on the causes of today's international and domestic problems.

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Youth MagazineJanuary 1985Vol. V No. 1