Know The Answer?
Jesus is the vine, who are the branches?
True christians.

John 15:5
Start Early to Guarantee Career Success
Youth Magazine
February 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 2
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Start Early to Guarantee Career Success
Bill Butler  

Here's an employer's advice. What kind of career will I have? Will I earn a good income and be able to afford what I need and want?" You might be facing these important questions now. Perhaps you need a job now to earn money for clothes, summer camp, a car, college, travel. Or you're thinking long-range about getting married. Marriage takes a lot of money! Saving ahead is important for both men and women. And getting established in a career is vitally necessary for the men planning to support a family. Today, though, the world of work - and, too often, the world of unemployment - can seem overwhelming to a newcomer.

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1985Vol. V No. 2