Know The Answer?
What was the religious sect Paul belonged to before he was converted?

Philippians 3:5
So You Want to Be Popular...
Youth Magazine
February 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 2
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So You Want to Be Popular...
Rick L Shallenberger  

Do you ever feel left out? What does it take to be in the center of things? Some people seem to be just naturally popular. Everyone enjoys being around them. We all wish we could be more like them. These people seem to be happy and full of life most of the time. We think about them when we're at home feeling sorry for ourselves because we're not out with the gang. They have all the friends and we feel like outcasts. Well, if you have felt this way, there's something you can do about it. Let's first look at motives. Why do you want to be popular?

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Youth MagazineFebruary 1985Vol. V No. 2