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10 Commandments

Exodus 34:1
What's It Like to Be a Teen In Jordan?
Youth Magazine
April 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 4
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What's It Like to Be a Teen In Jordan?
Maysoon Khdeir  

How would you like to feast on a big plate full of mansaf? This traditional Jordanian dish is made from rice, meat and natural yogurt made from sheep's milk. We cook it when foreigners come to the country, or for feasts when a large number of people are invited, because it can be cooked in large quantities. Does mansaf sound different to you? No doubt you would find many of Jordan's foods, customs and activities unfamiliar. Many social customs, such as marriage and divorce, are regulated by religious law. About 90 percent of the people are Muslims, and about 10 percent are Christians. For many families, the parents still play a key role in choosing wives or husbands for their children.

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Youth MagazineApril 1985Vol. V No. 4