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What king described plant life and taught about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish?

I Kings 4:33
News That Affects You
Youth Magazine
April 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 4
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News That Affects You
Youth Magazine Staff  

Tornado!! by David F. Maas and Lowell Wagner Jr - A Video Yearbook by Sandi Borax - Bye-Bye QWERTY? by Robert C. Taylor - Which One Is the Real Thing? by Jeff Zhorne Hazel: Taylor heard it coming. An unmistakable sound - like dozens of freight trains heading toward his front door. He and his wife, Yvonne, joined hands, terrified. When the tornado tore into Abney, South Carolina, it popped the Taylors' mobile home like a balloon. It then whirled Mr. and Mrs. Taylor 100 feet (30 meters) through the air, dropping them in a nearby field, a live, but dazed and still holding hands. The Taylors were fortunate - on that same Wednesday afternoon last April, over a 300 mile (480 kilometer) swath of North and South Carolina, some two dozen tornadoes look the lives of 60 people.

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Youth MagazineApril 1985Vol. V No. 4