Know The Answer?
How did King Saul die?
He drew his sword and fell on it.

II Samuel 31:4
News That Affects You
Youth Magazine
August 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 7
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News That Affects You
Youth Magazine Staff  

Young China's Dreams - Who's Your Hero? - Chunneling Under the Channel by Maria Root - Want to Be in the Big Leagues? by Sandi Borax - Youth 85 on Tape by Thomas C. Hanson: Zhongguo Qingnian - that's Chinese, folks. Roughly translated, it means Youth of China. It is a publication for young people in China. We ran across the following article, translated by the Beijing Review, and thought you might be interested in seeing what young people in China are thinking. The author of the article, a young worker named Xin Qin, titled the article, "10 Things We Want." Here it is:

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Youth MagazineAugust 1985Vol. V No. 7