Know The Answer?
Why did Hannah agonize in prayer in worship at Shiloh?
She asked God for a son.

I Samuel 1:10-11
Special Feast Supplement: The World Tomorrow Is for YOUNG PEOPLE
Youth Magazine
September 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 8
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Special Feast Supplement: The World Tomorrow Is for YOUNG PEOPLE
Frank W Nelte  

This Feast of Tabernacles, get a picture of what you'll be doing during the soon-coming 1,000 years of peace and happiness. Just what does God have in store for you? You need to know! The coming world tomorrow. When Jesus Christ returns, true Christians will be changed into spirit beings to rule with Christ as kings and priests (Revelation 5:10). So what does that make their children? Well, the children of kings are known as princes and princesses! So the children of true Christians can look forward to being able to help and teach and to be honored by other humans.

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Youth MagazineSeptember 1985Vol. V No. 8