Know The Answer?
Why did Zaccheus climb up into a tree to see Jesus?
He was very short.

Luke 19:3
I Just Need Someone to Talk to
Youth Magazine
September 1985
Volume: Vol. V No. 8
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I Just Need Someone to Talk to
Joel Rissinger  

Sometimes it can seem like a world without friendships. What should we do when we need a friend? "I just need someone to talk to, "she wrote. "My two best friends don't talk to me anymore." This letter came from a Youth 85 reader who was depressed. Her friends had rejected her and she felt like she had no one to turn to. She didn't know why she felt this way and she suddenly found herself a part of that big, empty world of loneliness. She just needed a friend.

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Youth MagazineSeptember 1985Vol. V No. 8