The Sabbath and the Ten Commandments The Sabbath and the Ten Commandments
John R Schroeder  -  Good News   -  May 1976

Is the Sabbath still a part of the Decalogue? Or is it the only one of the Ten Commandments that is now obsolete? Nowhere in the New Testament are the Ten Commandments listed in order from one to ten. Nowhere in the New Testament is the Sabbath command repeated verbatim. Without the Old Te ...

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The Joyful BLESSING of God's Holy SABBATH! The Joyful BLESSING of God's Holy SABBATH!
William F Dankenbring  -  Good News   -  September 1964

Do YOU really ENJOY the Sabbath? Do you THRILL and delight in it? Here are some basic principles to remember in observing God's Holy Day - a compilation of some of the questions asked the Letter Answering Department, written by a member of that department. THE HOLY Sabbath is GOD'S Day! Almighty ...

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John R Schroeder  -  Plain Truth   -  September 1978

Is the Sabbath commandment still a part of the Decalogue? Or is it the only one of the Ten Commandments that is now obsolete? Nowhere in the New Testament are the Ten Commandments listed in order from one to ten. Nowhere in the New Testament is the Sabbath command repeated verbatim. Without the Old ...

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The Sabbath And The Ten Commandments The Sabbath And The Ten Commandments
Ambassador College  -  Special Topics   -  1978

Is the Sabbath commandment still a part of the Decalogue? Or is it the only one of the Ten Commandments that is now obsolete? Nowhere in the New Testament are the Ten Commandments listed in order from one to ten. Nowhere in the New Testament is the Sabbath command repeated verbatim. Without the Old ...

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Keep God's Sabbath HOLY! Keep God's Sabbath HOLY!
Bill McDowell  -  Good News   -  March 1968

Are you sometimes GLAD when the Sabbath is over? Does time hang heavy on the Sabbath? Do you "force" yourself to be in a good attitude about the Sabbath? Read this article and find out how to avoid these troublesome pitfalls! DO YOU keep God's Sabbath holy? Do you find the Sabbath a real delight a ...

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Lesson 24 - The Plain Truth About GOD'S HOLY SABBATH Lesson 24 - The Plain Truth About GOD'S HOLY SABBATH
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

What is God's PURPOSE for His weekly Sabbath? Why do so few understand that keeping the Sabbath brings special BLESSINGS? Let's learn HOW and WHY New Testament Christians are to keep God's Sabbath day holy. ...

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Lesson 23 - Why Christians Should Keep GOD'S HOLY DAYS Lesson 23 - Why Christians Should Keep GOD'S HOLY DAYS
Ambassador College  -  Bible Study 32-Lesson   -  1984

Why did God institute the WEEKLY Sabbath and, later, seven ANNUAL Sabbaths? What do they picture? Were GOD'S Holy Days for ancient Israel only, or are they also for the New Testament Church of God? ...

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What Was the Apostolic Sabbath? What Was the Apostolic Sabbath?
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  June-July 1983

Did Jesus' apostles change the Sabbath to a different day? Did they preach to Jews on the Sabbath and to gentiles on Sunday? You need to know what the Bible really says. Most Bible students know that God's command to keep the Sabbath holy was included in the Ten Commandments as given to ancient ...

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Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which? Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1976

Does it make any difference which days we observe — or whether we keep them? Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? Are they binding today only on the Jewish people, while Christians are commanded to keep holidays such ...

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Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which? Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which?
Herbert W Armstrong  -  Booklet   -  1974

Does it make any difference which days we observe - or whether we keep them? Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? Are they binding today only on the Jewish people, while Christians are commanded to keep holidays such ...

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Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which? Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which?
Ambassador College Production  -  Booklet   -  1974

Does it make any difference which days we observe - or whether we keep them? Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? Are they binding today only on the Jewish people, while Christians are commanded to keep holidays such ...

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Are the Holy Days to Be Kept Today? Are the Holy Days to Be Kept Today?
Neil Earle  -  Good News   -  September 1985

Were the festivals given to ancient Israel intended only for the Old Testament and abolished by the New? Which days, if any, should we observe today? Here's the truth, straight from the Bible! Why do you observe all those strange festivals?" members of God's Church are often asked. "We ...

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Special Bible Study: God's Holy Days in the New Testament Special Bible Study: God's Holy Days in the New Testament
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  September 1982

What do you mean, "New Testament Holy Days"? Weren't the "Holy Days" Old Testament, Jewish observances, done away with at the cross? Here is a comprehensive look at the practices of Christ, the apostles and the early Church. I well remember the first time I heard Herbert W. Arm ...

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God's Holy Days: The Master Builder's Blueprint God's Holy Days: The Master Builder's Blueprint
Leroy Neff  -  Good News   -  August 1980

Few people in the world today keep God's Holy Days. But what significance do they have for God's Church? My wife and I attended our first service in the Church of God in August, 1951. We were living near Portland, Ore., and had heard from friends that Herbert W. Armstrong would be preaching ...

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That Happened When? That Happened When?
Dean C Blackwell  -  Bible Study (Audio/Video)   -  October 18, 1978

Tonight, I thought it might be of value, tying in with the feast time, to uncover what I think is an obvious conspiracy to try to hide in the New Testament: God's Holy Days, as well as God's Sabbath Day. And I think one of these days we're going to be dumbfounded when we find out what all happ ...

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