For the beginning of our Church History lectures I would like to let all the class know that we are going to be taping the class this year, with the possibility in mind of sending the tapes out to the field Ministry if they would like to kind of get filled in on what's happening in some of the Amb ...
Last time then we began to see how well in advance of Christ's first coming when He was born of the virgin Mary, that God began to prepare the entire world for the arrival of His Church and we talked about how Babylon brought the concept of world rule and God began to use these pagan empires not o ...
Mr. Kelly probably mentioned to you that he was going to be making a Church visit to Kansas and he has already left, so that is why I am here today. He mentioned to me that about half of you had the Acts of the Apostles class last semester and some of what I am going to give you this morning will be ...
We're running just a little bit out of what may be the best time order of events here, but I think still we'll be able to put the story together without any trouble. Today we want to talk about one of the classic writers historically of early Church history, as I did last time, I mentioned Adolf ...
Mr. Kelly is returning today, but unfortunately for you, not in time for this class, so here I am again. He asked me here today to cover the subject of Nero and the Persecution of the Early Church so I will. Now as you probably have already discussed the Church of God at first was viewed primarily a ...
Mr. Stump took you through the period of time past Nero I guess, I'm just reviewing his notes here very quickly to see how far he got last time, some of the things I say today may repeat just a little bit, although I don't think too much. Because you need to be familiar with some of these names ...
We had come then late in the first century to the end years of the Apostle John as the first century comes to a close, the Church had been through its many ups and downs but really after the death of Peter and Paul in the 60's and the fall of Jerusalem in the year 70 A.D. the Church never had the ...
OK, you have a handout that I mentioned the other day, a couple of them just for your files. I think they illustrate some of the writing, the sketchy writing we have available to us in the early time of the Church. Comments by Plenty, the lawyer dispatched by the Roman Emperor to Asia to deal with C ...
OK, last time we had pretty much come through the time of Polycarp, there isn't a lot of material available about his successor Polycrates, but we did discuss him and that takes us as much as we know about the major Ministers who we consider to be part of the true Church as opposed to a system tha ...
You have a handout, if you don't have one now you can pick one up after class, that might do you well to keep in your notebook to refer to from time-to-time in class and I will periodically give you another one of these, updating each time a period of time in history so that you will have three or ...
If you have your History at a Glance Chart handy, there was a mistake pointed out to me on it, I hadn't caught it another time, don't know why, obvious mistake. In the right hand column under contemporary events the second one down, "the martyrdom of the Apostles", should read "Ja ...
What I wanted to discuss today is kind of reviewing these first four centuries now in regard to how Sunday came to be established as the Christian day of worship, very interesting study which we will only of course scratch the surface of today. I want to mention a few works that will be good for you ...
We've been talking about Sunday and how it came to be the established day of worship in the church, it took a long time for it to develop and evolve and side-by-side with the Sabbath day the church even, the Catholic church, acknowledge the Biblical basis of worship on the Sabbath, but because, la ...
There are a couple of groups I want to mention to you, I've written a couple names on the board for you, will just comment on briefly rather than to give any details to, in that sometimes when you're reading through Church history you come across they terms I thought you ought to be familiar wit ...
The last time we began to talk about the Paulicians, this is probably something we could spend several classes on, but we won't have time to do so and move along, but I had mentioned the primary source to find information about the Paulicians and that is from Fred Conybeares work called the Key of ...