Know The Answer?
How many baskets of bread crumbs were there after the feeding of the 5,000?

John 6:13

Worldwide News December 24, 1973 HeadlinesWorldwide News December 24, 1973 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff   

Response best yet in campaigns - A Personal Letter from Garner Ted Armstrong - Work breaks mail records - Things look bleak for Press as England faces fuel crisis - TV crew videotapes news where it happens - The Official Grapevine - Director of Philippine Work speaks before audience of college students - Business booms, water flows at historical Watergate site - Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Diplomacy share Vietnam and Nepal experiences - Evangelist helps to train leaders after 20 years in field ministry - The Spanish Work reports on year's baptizing tours - 'I'm really lucky,' says prisoner when comparing his trials to others' - Booklet Department communicates God's truth - And happy they whose quivers bear full store of arrows such as these - Some members in Africa only visited once a year - Senate adopts day of fasting - Local church news wrap-up - Member tells how tithing pays - Program in early stage's is showing good results - South African S.E.P. becomes reality.

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Publication Date: December 24, 1973