Know The Answer?
What did Pharoah command his people to do with the Israelite babies?
Throw all the boy babies into the Nile.

Exodus 1

Worldwide News January 21, 1974 HeadlinesWorldwide News January 21, 1974 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff   

Mrs. Charles Hunting 1922-1974 - Break activities center at Pasadena - Division heads report '74 budget projections - A Personal Letter from Garner Ted Armstrong - Campaigns very effective for reaching people, states director - The Official Grapevine - Giving one child a normal life is worth all the trouble and time - District premier conference held in eastern Canada - Minister now stationed in Southeast Asia full time - Humans often miss parallel - Church represented in Puerto Rico, native-born minister returns home - Campaigns well worth it - Big Sandy team wins tourney trophy in highlight of college activities - 15-year-old faced, tough road but now lives life to full - Outstanding achievements recognized by Worldwide Achievement Program - S.A.A.C. offers new program - Local church news wrap-up - Press gets the welcome news: British PT survives crisis.

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Publication Date: January 21, 1974