Know The Answer?
Who said, "It is not in men; God will give Pharaoh a favourable answer?"

Genesis 41:16

Worldwide News April 15, 1974 HeadlinesWorldwide News April 15, 1974 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff   

Ambassador Auditorium opens - A Personal Letter from Garner Ted Armstrong - Around-the-clock volunteer help makes Auditorium open on time - Members protected from killer tornadoes - National and state records fall to college runners in 24-hour relay - Faculty jobs offered - Summer-school students selected - WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD U.S. MINISTERIAL TRANSFERS - Mr. GTA encourages support of national fast - Mr. Apartian returns from trip - Our men in Brussels - Britain displays The Plain Truth - Local church news wrap-up - Cousin Bruce and Capt. Steve spark radio program at summer camp - 'We are very privileged people,' says parent of child in Imperial - Managing editor interviewed - Anniversary edition spotlights the WN - The Official Grapevine.

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Publication Date: April 15, 1974