Know The Answer?
To mock Jesus, what coloured robe did the soldiers put on him?
Scarlet or purple.

Matthew 27:28

Worldwide News May 24, 1976 HeadlinesWorldwide News May 24, 1976 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff   

Worldwide ministry meets in Pasadena 430 attend conference - Evangelists ordained - Senior pastors selected for U.S. field ministry - 149 receive diplomas from AC - Photography supervisor dies - French Work ordains elders - Bomb scare disrupts dance - Jordanian links Work with Arab lands - Australian church holds first Sabbath services - Zambia holds first Passover - Husband, wife miss winter building model Tabernacle - The Official Grapevine - Local church news wrap-up - Senior pastors selected for 11 U.S. areas.

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Publication Date: May 24, 1976