Know The Answer?
Who am I: Each day my household consumed 30 measures of fine flour, 60 measures of meal, 10 fat oxen, 100 sheep. I ruled over a kingdom whose people were as the sand of the sea. I was the wisest man that ever lived.
King Solomon

I Kings 4:22-24

Worldwide News February 13, 1978 HeadlinesWorldwide News February 13, 1978 Headlines
Worldwide News Staff   

Mr. Armstrong to teach elders - Pocono Festival site a disaster; members reeling from storm - GTA preaches in Jackson - Director speaks to Alaskans - Behind the Canal Zone debate - Pastor answers mail call - SEP invites campers - Australian has high hopes after paralyzing car-bike accident - Two green thumbs grow coleuses, fuchsias, pothos - Craftsman caters to lover of fine knives - Gunsmith's artistry tells a story - Shut-in keeping in touch.

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Publication Date: February 13, 1978