Know The Answer?
What happened to Ananias and Sapphira as a result of their sin?
They fell down dead.

Acts 5

Just one more thing: Show more appreciationJust one more thing: Show more appreciation

Several years ago when I was a schoolboy, my mother would send me notes in my school lunch box. Since I was an only child, I guess she felt I needed little reminders. I'll never forget one day finding one tucked neatly next to my jelly sandwich. The note read: "Help! Help me! I'm a captive in a jelly sandwich factory. Send love and thanks! Love, Mom." I ran home after school, opened the door and found her by the kitchen stove. I threw my arms around her and kissed her, saying: "Thanks, Mom! You're the best jelly sandwich maker in the whole wide world!" It was my way of saying I appreciated her. All of us need to be appreciated and to show appreciation.

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Publication Date: February 25, 1980