Know The Answer?
Jesus said that the Pharisees were blind guides that strain at a gnat but swallow what?
A camel.

Matthew 23:24

Just one more thing: It's not easy being a ChristianJust one more thing: It's not easy being a Christian

We weren't promised it would be. "Through much tribulation," "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way," that's what we're promised, Along with God's help to lighten the burdens we individually bear. Following are letters from two of our brethren imprisoned in what is said to be the world's largest walled penitentiary, at Jackson, Mich. These two men, after going through one of t e nation's worst prison riots May 22, and after living year after year in overcrowded, tension-ridden conditions, share with us their appreciation of their calling.

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Publication Date: June 15, 1981