Know The Answer?
Where was the church located to whom John said they had left their first love?

Revelation 2:1

Divorce and RemarriageDivorce and Remarriage

How - and when - did the Worldwide Church of God come to its teaching on this important subject? Thousands have been converted and added to God's Church in just the last five years. They have had little instruction on the history of the doctrine of divorce and remarriage - and its administration in the Worldwide Church of God. To update us all, The Worldwide News editorial staff asked me to condense this important subject in this brief article. Why divorce? World War I precipitated a major breakdown in moral values. But it was World War II that rocked the foundations of marriage. Working wives, sexual promiscuity, the rush to quick financial and social success led to immense unhappiness. Divorces skyrocketed.

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Publication Date: May 10, 1982