Know The Answer?
Who am I: My son is the father of the dark skinned races. I was one of the longest serving ship builders in the world. For over a year I served as a zoo keeper.

Genesis 6-10

Just one more thing: Consider a neglected gift for happier marriagesJust one more thing: Consider a neglected gift for happier marriages

To take time with someone is to say: "I value you and value being with you. I love you and respect you." One of our most important possessions in today's fast-paced society is time. Time, therefore, can be one of the most precious gifts we can give to another. How often do we hear: "My husband (or wife) doesn't have time for me. His job is so demanding right now." or, "Her time is always taken up with the children." Time is a limited commodity. And we are all challenged by how to spend it. Will we use it constructively or destructively? Will we use any of it for someone else? "Somehow we have convinced ourselves that we must do a multitude of things and all in a hurry. We move as fast as we can because if we do not, we think the time is lost and gone forever.

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Publication Date: August 30, 1982