Know The Answer?
What two officers of his court did Pharoah put in prison?
The baker and the butler.

Genesis 40

Just one more thing: Employ two principles in combating lonelinessJust one more thing: Employ two principles in combating loneliness

Some describe it as a crippler. Others say it's a complex, gnawing empty feeling. Regardless of description, loneliness is too often prevalent in both married and single life. No matter what the origin, loneliness produces self-isolation. A person can feel lonely even in the midst of a crowd. Yet, no person in God's Church need ever feel lonely. Often sell-induced, Loneliness is an emotional, mental state. Being lonely is far different from being alone. As Henry David Thoreau once wrote: "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will." Solitude is at times constructive. Solitude is necessary to meditate. But when a person desires company or someone to share his feelings with and finds no one, that person becomes lonely.

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Publication Date: September 13, 1982