Know The Answer?
What do the broken pieces of Unleavened Bread at Passover represent?
The body of Christ.

Matthew 26:26

Herbert W. Armstrong meets supreme patriarch of ThailandHerbert W. Armstrong meets supreme patriarch of Thailand
Worldwide News Staff   

PASADENA - In what was described as a "warm and friendly meeting," the 18th Supreme Patriarch of the Buddhist religion of Thailand, Ariawongsagatayana, 87, called on Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong Oct. 14 "as a spiritual leader of the Worldwide Church of God and founder of Ambassador College," reported Herman L. Hoch. evangelist and Plain Truth editor. The meeting, the first between the supreme patriarch and the pastor general, took place in Mr. Armstrong's executive office on the fourth floor of the campus Hall of Administration. Through translator Sawasdi Yingyuad, who served as a Thai instructor on the Pasadena Ambassador College faculty from 1972 to 1974, Mr. Armstrong and the supreme patriarch discussed the welfare of King Bhumibol of Thailand.

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Publication Date: November 01, 1982