Know The Answer?
Name the King who tried to stop Israel's progress by having them cursed.

Numbers 22:2

Just one more thing: How to destroy unityJust one more thing: How to destroy unity

Not long ago Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in The Good News: "Perhaps the No. 1 problem - yes, and even the No. 1 and most prevalent SIN in God's Church today is careless GOSSIP and rumor spreading. Whether or not realized, it often becomes accusation and slander. "I fully realize that often this is mere carelessness - a sort of thinking through the mouth - with no deliberate intention to harm. But it DOES HARM! And sometimes - it is intended to harm!" No problem does more to destroy unity and trust between brethren than criticizing, condemning and judging in God's Church. Members who judge and condemn others in God's Church simply do not see that a concerned God is guiding every aspect of His Work today. They look at the way local churches are run or the way people dress or the diets people follow or how a certain minister speaks and decide that that's not the way they think it should be done.

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Publication Date: December 05, 1983