Know The Answer?
Can you recite the fourth commandment?
Remember the day Sabbath day to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

Just one more thing: A wife's test of loveJust one more thing: A wife's test of love

Several weeks ago (WN. Nov. 21) "Just One More Thing" included a test of love for husbands. We shouldn't leave you women out; so here's a test of love for wives. Ladies, it's your turn to answer a few questions. Answer yes or no. In the last six months did you do the following: (see list of 10 questions) How did you rate? Ten points for each yes answer. If you didn't get 100 percent, you should continue reading this article. In the beginning - When God created Adam He knew he would need a wife. So God created a companion for him, a friend to inspire and encourage and help him, to share the highs and lows of life, to begin with him the human family on this earth.

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Publication Date: January 02, 1984