Know The Answer?
To mock Jesus, what coloured robe did the soldiers put on him?
Scarlet or purple.

Matthew 27:28

Just one more thing: Too close to the edgeJust one more thing: Too close to the edge

Some years ago an army general needed to replace his staff driver, who was being discharged from the service. The general asked his driver to test the driving abilities of several applicants and then recommend three who could replace him. So the driver tested several people and recommended three men. And the general asked each of the men an important question: "Suppose we were going to the front of a battle zone," the general said, "and as we went up a mountain road, part of the road was bombed out. On the right is a sheer cliff, on the left is the mountain, and there is just enough room for the car to get through. How close do you think you could come to the edge of the cliff as you drove along the road?"

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Publication Date: February 13, 1984