Know The Answer?
Two women were fighting over something and brought it to Solomon. What was it?
A child (baby).

I Kings 3:27

Children's Corner: Lady KathrynChildren's Corner: Lady Kathryn
Vivian Pettijohn   

"I don't want to, Jeff. I'm busy. Leave me alone! "4-year-old Kathy ordered in a high, shrill voice. "And, Rocky, you quit bothering me, too!" Jeff and Rocky scowled, and Rocky muttered: "Come on, Jeff. Little Miss Loudmouth is no fun. Let's go outside and play with Laddie. He barks, but at least he doesn't bite us." Mrs. Winfield appeared at the door to Kathy's room and said, softly, "Kathryn, I think we need to have a little talk - alone." "Oh, goody," Jeff said, chuckling. "Kathy's going to get it - huh, Mom?" "Jeff, that was a rude thing to say," Mother answered seriously. "Let's just call it a mother-daughter talk. You boys go ahead and play with Laddie. He's barking at the back door, wanting someone to romp with him." Mother closed Kathy's door. She sat down on Kathy 's bed and motioned for Kathy to join her there.

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Publication Date: May 21, 1984