Know The Answer?
To whom did the people of Israel say, "Come make us a god who will go before us?"

Exodus 32:1

A Jew from JerusalemA Jew from Jerusalem

BOREHAMWOOD, England; What kind of people would you have chosen to preserve in writing the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth? A despised tax collector? A close personal friend of Jesus? A physician who would pass for a historian? Or perhaps Mark, a young aide who associated with Jesus' disciples? Who was this Mark? What was he like? The evidence though sketchy, is revealing. The New Testament itself, supplies surprising information. First, a few points about Mark's name. His full name was John Mark. In first-century Palestine it was not uncommon for a man to have two names. John was his Jewish name, Mark his Greek name (Marcus in Latin). Mark came from a fairly wealthy family that was influential in the early Jerusalem church.

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Publication Date: July 2, 1984