Know The Answer?
Who am I: I was a general of a great nation, and a murderer. After a number of years spent in the wilderness as a shepherd I became the leader of God's nation.

Genesis 12-22

Teachers in world tomorrow are disciples of Christ todayTeachers in world tomorrow are disciples of Christ today
Rex J Morgan   

Do you know how many disciples Jesus Christ had? Many people would say 12, but the answer is quite different. It may surprise you. Notice John 6:66-67: "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?" Jesus had 12 chief disciples who adhered to Him faithfully over a long period, but He had many other disciples from time to time. Everyone who listened to Him and learned from Him was a disciple. The Greek word translated disciple throughout the New Testament is mathetes, which means, simply, "learner."

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Publication Date: July 8, 1985