Know The Answer?
Jesus said his servants should be as "wise as serpents, and harmless as ____?

Matthew 10:16

Be aware of times we live in: What does it mean to watch?Be aware of times we live in: What does it mean to watch?
Larry J Walker   

"Watch ye therefore," said Jesus, "and pray always; that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21:36). This is one of the many recorded warnings issued by Jesus Christ to "watch." What does it mean to watch? You need to know, since watching is a prerequisite for being ready to meet Christ at His return. Watching to most people means looking at something, such as watching television. Therefore, since Bible prophecy describes specific events, we might assume that we must watch world conditions by keeping abreast of world news. Is this what Jesus meant?

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Publication Date: July 8, 1985