Know The Answer?
How many stones were used to build a memorial to the Jordan River crossing?
12 (one for each tribe of Israel).

Joshua 4:5-6

Right child training promotes family enjoyment at Holy DaysRight child training promotes family enjoyment at Holy Days
Joan C Bogdanchik   

What a wonderful time the feast is for the whole family - or, at least, it ought to be. And that includes your children. Your children should love the Feast! Year by year children, just like their parents, are coming into a fuller understanding of God's ways. Year by year children should be happier, more obedient and more responsive at the Feast. The trip to the Feast is a special time for families. The whole family is together for the entire day, instead of just after work. There are few interruptions. Plans can be made. Long talks can take place. The pleasure of visiting various historic and naturally beautiful sites can be enjoyed. Various travel games can be played, providing family fun and educational opportunities for children.

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Publication Date: August 19, 1985