Exodus 1443 B.C., 430 years later. Note that the original Hebrew is to be translated "a son of" 99, which means 99th year, not 99 years old. Hence most translations (or all) err in keeping to "years old" instead of "... the" year. Noah was "a son of 600 years" - i.e., in 600th year when Flood came.
Crossing of Jordan 1403, Tuesday. Passover Nisan 14 occurred Sabbath; wave sheaf ON Nisan 15.
Solomon's reign, 40 years: 968-928.
480th year of Exodus - I Kings 6:1 - was 964-963 B.C., but Solomon's reign began in Tishri which means fourth year began 965-964 B.C.
Therefore David's reign, 40 years = 1008-968. Saul's reign was 1048-1008 B.C.
Exodus date 1443 occurred at end of ninth year, beginning of tenth year of Amenhotep II who reigned jointly two and a half years with Thutmose III. Thutmose III reigned 54 years 1504-1450 B.C. Amenhotep II began to reign in 1453 B.C. Daughter of Thutmose I (a pharaoh) was Hatshepsut, who adopted Moses. She ruled jointly with her nephew Thutmose from 1504 to 1483 B.C. In the year 1483 Moses' stepmother and protector died. This agrees with Moses' flight 40 years before Exodus.
House of Judah
House of Israel
Tishri - Tishri
Nisan - Nisan
Accession year
Nonaccession year
Rehoboam 17 years
Jeroboam I 22 years
928-911 B.C.
928-906 B.C.
Abijam 3 years
Nadab 2 years
911-908 B.C.
907-905 B.C.
He ascended throne in last half of his father's 17th year and first half of Jeroboam's 18th year.
His first year is equivalent to Jeroboam's 22nd year on nonaccession system.
Asa 41 years
Baasha 24 years
908-867 B.C.
906-882 B.C.
He ascended throne in first half of his father's third year and last half of Jeroboam's 20th year.
His first year is equivalent to second year of Nadab.
Elah 2 years
883-881 B.C.
His first year is equivalent to 24th of Baasha. He came to throne in first half of 26th year of Asa.
Omri 12 years
882-870 B.C.
(The sole reign of Omri of Israel began at end of civil war in 31st year of Asa.)
With first five calendar years (or four actual years) a period of civil war. He came to power also when Zimri reigned seven days in the first half of Asa's 27th year. Tibni led civil war and was defeated
Jehoshaphat 25 years
Ahab 22 years
870-845 B.C.
871-849 B.C.
He reigned jointly three years with his father during illness 870-867. But his regnal years were counted from his sole reign: 867-845, so that his reign was 22 years in the parallel records of Israel and Judah.
His first year was the 12th year of Omri. He came to the throne in the first half of Asa's 38th year and the last half of his father's 12th year.
Jehoram 8 years
Jehoram 12 years
851-843 B.C.
854-842 B.C.
He began his reign in last half of his father's 17th year, but in Judah, all joint reigns had no accession year. So his first (joint) year was also his father's 17th year. It was also year five of joint reign of Jehoram of Israel. He began in the first half of fifth year of Jehoram of Israel (same as 22nd of Ahab).
He came to the throne in father's 18th year and began his sole reign after father's and brother's death in 18th year (last half) of Jehoshaphat (same as second of Jehoram of Judah).
Ahaziah 1 year
Ahaziah 2 years
844-843 B.C.
850-848 B.C.
He began a joint reign in 11th (last half) of Jehoram of Israel and his sole reign months later in first half of 12th year of Jehoram of Israel. His year of reign is same as his father's eighth year.
The direct successor of Ahab, his reign was joint with his brother. His first year is the same as Ahab's 22nd and Jehoram's fifth.
Athaliah reigned over land. She reckoned her reign as seven years, nonaccession system 844-837, but her reign was not officially counted in the reckoning of the kings of Judah.
Jehu 28 years
843-815 B.C.
His first year in Jehoram's 12th year. He slew Jehoram in the first half of Jehoram's 12th year (843) and Ahaziah in the last half of his first year, after the death of Joram of Judah.
Joash 40 years
Jehoahaz 17 years
844-804 B.C.
821-804 B.C.
His first year is reckoned as the same as Athaliah's first. He began to reign in the first half of seventh year of Jehu - the last half of Athaliah's seventh year. He reckoned his reign from 844 to expunge memory of Athaliah's rule.
His first year is his father Jehu's 23rd year. He came to power in the last half of 23rd year of Joash of Judah.
Amaziah 29 years
Jehoash 16 years
806-777 B.C.
807-791 B.C.
His first year is the same as his father's 39th year (joint reigns are nonaccession) and he began in last half of second year of Jehoash of Israel. He reigned jointly with his father for two years. His years 15-29 (inclusive) are the 15 years after Jehoash of Israel.
His first year is the same as father's 15th year. He came to power in the last half of Joash's 37th year (Judah's king had same name). He reigned jointly with his father, Jehoahaz, for three years.
Uzziah (Azariah) 52 years
Jeroboam II 41 years
790-738 B.C.
787-746 B.C.
His first year is joint with his father's 17th year and his sole reign began Jeroboam's 27th year (last with half) - the 27th of 52, not 41. (It was the 16th year of Jeroboam's 41-year sole reign.)
(52 years - 803-751 B.C.) He began to reign solely in Amaziah's 15th year (first half). He reckoned his first sole year (of 41) as year 16 of his father on traditional nonaccession year system. But he reigned jointly with his father for 11 previous years, beginning with year five. (Judah's documents number his years according to his joint reign of 52 years.)
Jotham 16 years
Zachariah six months; in the end of 38th year of reign of Uzziah and in sixth month of Jeroboam's last year (41 or 52), he began a six-month reign, 752-751 B.C. He was succeeded by Shallum - one month. In 39th of Uzziah in Adar Shallum began to reign. His one month continued past Nisan 1 in 751 B.C. when Menahem slew him.
751-735 B.C.
(20 years - 751-731 B.C.) He began first year with father's 40th year (last half) and Pekah's second year (first half). Be he reigned beyond the official 16 years. He shared his reign with Ahaz beginning in his ninth year. (Jotham's ninth) and Uzziah's 48th (Uzziah was a non-functioning leper in his late years.) Jotham assigned Ahaz a major administrative role after 16 years (of Jotham's reign), that is year 735 B.C. Jotham outlived his father seven years and reigned till 731 B.C.
Ahaz 16 sole years (28 total with joint reign)
Menahem 10 years
731-715 B.C. These 16 years follow Jotham's 20 years. But he reigned totally from 743-715 B.C. He associated on the throne Hezekiah in 729 B.C. So Hezekiah reigned 14 years jointly with his father and 29 years after that or 43 years in all.
Accession year 751-750 (under Assyrian influence accession year adopted in Israel). So reign is 750-740 B.C.
Hezekiah 29 years
Pekahiah 2 years
715-686 B.C. (or 43 years, 729-686 B.C.)
740-738 B.C. (accession year system)
Hoshea's record is based on joint reign of Hezekiah and Ahaz. But the 14th year (702-701 B.C.) is based on sole reign of Hezekiah after the death of Ahaz. The 15 added years are from 701-686 B.C. Hezekiah associated Manasseh on throne in his (Hezekiah's) 19th year - i.e. 697 B.C.
He began first year in year 50 of Uzziah or 11 of Jotham.
Pekah 20 years
751-731 B.C.
He began a joint reign as military leader upon the revolt of Shallum in 751. He killed Pekahiah at end of his (Pekah's) 13th year and reigned seven more years, 738-731 B.C.
Hoshea 9 years
731-722 B.C.
He began his accession year in 732 B.C. in the 12th year of Ahaz's total reign and 20th of Jotham. Siege of Samaria was from 725-722 B.C., years seven to nine.
Manasseh reigned 55 years
697-642 B.C, 11 joint with his father.
House of Judah
Amon two years 642-640 B.C.
Josiah 31 years 640-609 B.C., Tishri dating. In year 609 Necho came through Judah and slew Josiah in late summer.
Jehoahaz reigns three months and continues into autumn past Tishri. He is deposed; Jehoiachin reigns ten days before Jehoiakim placed on the throne. Jehoiachin was adopted by Josiah as a son, though he was actually a grandson. He came to the throne early in his eighth year but was removed. Year 609-608 was accession year of Jehoiakim who reigned 11 years officially 608-598/597 B.C. But in his third year 606-605 when Daniel was taken away (Dan. 1:1) after battle of Carchemish, the Babylonians imposed on Judah a Nisan to Nisan year, so fourth year of Jehoiakim began with Nisan 605 B.C. and 11th year ended officially in 597 B.C.
House of Judah
Then Judah at Jerusalem reckoned Nebuchadnezzar as beginning his first year in 605 (the accession year at Babylon). In Babylon, Jews used Babylonian dating from 604 B.C. See Jeremiah 2 for years 7 & 18 = 8 & 19.
Jehoiakim slain early in 11th year is Kislev. Kislev 3 is traditional Jewish calendar dating for Ezekiel's captivity. Babylonians carry Jehoiachin captive on Adar 2 after three months reign 598-597, winter time.
Zedekiah reigns 597-587/586. In 588, January, siege begins and it ends in summer of 587 in early part of 11th year. Jehoiachin released in 561 B.C. in Adar.
Reign of Josiah 640-609 B.C. His 18th year (623-622) was a Jubilee. Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar in a sabbatical year (588-587). Zedekiah's reign is reckoned from Nisan to Nisan, so fall occurred 587 in the 11th year after a one and a half year siege, B.C.
Please Note: HWALibrary.com does not know who "change of my perspective" is as noted below, all material below this point was not part of the original document by Dr. Hoeh. The "comments" below were left here for reference only.
Comment: This document was typed from a scanned document written by Dr. Hoeh in December 1983. This is not Dr. Hoeh's final version of the chronology of the kings of Judah and Israel. There are notes from a phone conversation with Dr. Hoeh from December 3, 1997 that speak of a kings chronology beginning in 930 B.C.
Dr. Hoeh: he is in a position to support a "change of my perspective" of Israel
— can prove date "about" 930 B.C. is a correct date
— Edwin Thiele — first year of Rehoboam was 930 B.C.
- spring to spring not autumn to autumn - cannot move this date up or down - Jews recognized autumn to autumn
Harvard Sem. Monograph #48 "Studies in the Chronology of the Divided Monarchy of Israel" by William Hamilton Barnes Scholars Press 1991 Harvard Univ.
- Kings of Tyre are linked with building of temple — Solomon 1561 (?)
— 1446 date of Exodus — 1406 Jordan crossing — 3983 Creation — 2328 Flood * 2327 end of Flood — 1975 Abraham's birth — 1800 Abraham's death — 6 1/2 years after crossing of Jordan land was divided after 400 years
A correction is in order
— beginning of Jeroboam's/Rehoboam's reign(s) = 930 B.C.
— 3983 B.C. = Creation
— 2328-2327 B.C. = Flood
— End of 6,000 = 2018 A.D.
— Edwin Thiele:
Thiele has correct date at the beginning of Jeroboam's/Rehoboam's reigns.
— 1446 = Exodus — 1406 = Entry into Promised Land
— Jehu = "Yahu" (Assyrian records)
— Spring of 930 B.C. = Beginning of Jeroboam's reign
— Velikovsky & Amalekites:
- Dr. Hoeh doesn't think history/archaeology supports the idea that the "AMALEKITES" invaded Egypt right after the Exodus of Israel.
— 1975 B.C. = Abraham Birth 1800 B.C. = Abraham Death 1876 B.C. = God's Covenant with Abraham