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Name the first high priest in charge of the tabernacle worship.

Exodus 28:1
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This is the Last Great Day. Actually, we're observing another festival, Festival of Tabernacles, ended last evening. This Last Great Day is God's plan reveals what God is doing here on earth, and when this day occurs in the future, as the meaning of it is fulfilled, a time of resurrection, a time when people will have their first opportunity to understand God's whole plan, to understand what their human potential is, and what their ultimate destiny is on earth. The festivals of God reveal God as a creator. Just what is God's supreme masterpiece of all His creation? Is it the millions and perhaps billions of galaxies? Is it the Horsehead Nebula? Is it the moon? Is it the Milky Way? Is it the mountains, our purple majestic mountains? Is it just plain blue sky, or the beautiful Ozark hills?

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: September 27, 1975