Know The Answer?
Who, while cursing and swearing, said, "I don't know this man you're talking about"?

Mark 14:71
Richard Wilkinson  
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Do you remember brethren when you first came in to the Church? I don't know how long ago that is for any of you, I'm sure it's different for every one of us, but think back a little bit to just what it was like when you first came in to God's Church. And you remember hearing all about God world perhaps for the first time and you're realizing all the things that you're going to have to stop and change. And the many things you're going to have to study and come to understand. And it seems like there is so much to do and you feel so frustrated and then so many things you have to work on and you've got a start doing this and start doing that and start doing the other thing and always, stop, stop, stop. And you look around the Church and you see a few other people who may be have been in the Church for years and years...

Transcript of this Sermon coming.