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Where was the church located to whom John said they had left their first love?

Revelation 2:1
Overcoming The Spiritual Leaven of This World
Maceo D Hampton  

Unleavened Bread

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Sabbath Service during Unleavened Bread: Good afternoon, well these are the Days of Unleavened Bread and even though we did have the Passover Tuesday night and The Night to be Much Remembered Wednesday night and then the observance of the Holy Day Thursday all seven days have a purpose. We ought to keep our mind on that purpose and each year as we renew the covenant at the Passover also to go through the process of understanding what leavening is and during these 7 days as much as we can, trying to put it out in the way that God wants us to so the renewal of our attitude and our mind might occur as well as a renewal of the covenant that we make with God at this time. So, I've been thinking about this particular day for quite some time...

Transcript of this Sermon coming.

Sermon Date: April 14, 1979