Know The Answer?
To whom did Israel's tithe go?
The priests (Levites).

Deuteronomy 14:28-29
The New-World News - September 7, 6004
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The New-World News - September 7, 6004

Headlines: Millions Hail King of Kings - Nobody Beefs About India's Record Beef - An Awesome Demonstration - Communist Hordes Buried - Total Disarmament Achieved! - World That Was Science Students Progressing In Unlearning Courses - German Reforestation Program Accelerated - Weather In Revolution, For The Better - Agriculture News: Farm Labor Surplus - India Produces Bumper Wheat Crop For Year - Farmers Incredulous at Land's Productivity in New Age; Vineyard Owners Report Unparalleled Yields - Egypt Recovers From Drought; Learns Obedience Pays Dividends - King David Appoints Jew to Head Assyrian Farm Implements Factory in Ruhr District - Revolutionary Zoo Opens Doors In East Africa - Nearing Completion: Super-Highway Connects Jerusalem, Berlin, Cairo - The Bible: Basic Textbook For All Public Schools - Museum Of The Past, 6,000-Year History Of Man Unscrambled At Megiddo - Jerusalem Gardens Awe Visitors To City - Divorce Totally Eliminated! - and much more...

Publication Date: September 7, 6004
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