4. Noah outlived his great (6) Grandson by 10 years. Before the flood people lived over 900 years; after it: 400 years, and after the tower of Babel life spans dropped off to 200 years and less.
5. The tower of Babel was 2 years in building, only 115 years after the flood, in the generation of Peleg (Gen. 10:25). History records that Noah and Shim settled the nations in their places after Babel (Acts 17:26), and that Shem slew Nimrod, the leader of the rebellion, in 2166 B.C.
6. at Rome. History and Archaeology prove that these men lived:
7. Shem gave his name to the "Semitic" people and languages,
8. Arphaxad gave his name to the "Chaldeans",
9. and Eber to the "Hebrews".
10. Reu
11. Peleg
12. Serug
13. Terah and
14. Haran, all were founders of towns in Mesopotamia which bore their names.
15. There were ten generations from Shem to Abraham: The number of judgement. Human governments were judged faulty, and God began His World Government thru Abraham, who, under Christ, will be King of the Earth. The lives of Abraham and Jesus neatly divide 6,000 years of human history into three equal parts.