Last Thursday afternoon, Mr. Jim Thornhill and 1 visited with Mr. Armstrong in Tucson. It was an extremely profitable and enjoyable visit. First of all we previewed a videotape showing the kind of dancing we taught this year at summer camp, and the standards we were aiming for at college, church and Y.O.U. dances.
Mr. Armstrong was very pleased with the demonstration presented by Ambassador graduate Chris Moen and his partner Janne Barrett, a college Junior. He stressed the need for close supervision of the dances and a balanced and moderate selection of music. In keeping with Mr. Armstrong's wishes, we are once again sending tapes from headquarters for the Festival Y.O.U. disco dances along with guidelines for the coordinators and members at each site.
We concluded our visit around the piano where I was able to play several selections for Mr. Armstrong including "disco" versions of "Alice Blue Gown" and Beethoven's "Fifth." We'll have more information for you in the near future on our goals in achieving balance in this very sensitive, but extremely important area of our social activities.