In a recent Pastor General's Report Mr. Armstrong referred to the important difference between Quality and Quantity, a concept that certainly holds true in regard to membership in God's Church. This vital factor was ignored by some in the past when the ministry was asked (not by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong) to create a 10% growth in each local congregation. As a result, the requirements for baptism in many cases were completely watered down. To baptize just for the sake of filling a quota is not scriptural — not God's way! The bottom line is a fraudulent or invalid baptism for the individual concerned, and a shameful neglect of responsibility on the part of the minister.

Mr. Herbert Armstrong's instructions to the ministry are to conduct in-depth counsellings for baptism to determine whether or not the prospective member really understands what repentance is all about, had made an unconditional surrender to God and had accepted all church doctrines, so we may all spear; the same thing (I Cor. 1:10). The prospective member should have a total change of mind and heart and direction of life, from the self-centered way of vanity, greed, and hostility to authority to the God-centered way of obedience to God's Law, submission to authority, and love and concern for other human beings equal to self concern!

A person cannot simply decide to repent and so as a matter of routine, just "repent."

Jesus Christ said that none can come to Him, except the spirit of the Father draws him (John 6:44,65). God then grants repentance (Rom. 2:4). The person is brought to real repentance — totally conquered by God — to obey His Law! Remember what Jesus says in Luke 14:25-33 about counting the cost before following Him. Anyone who is not willing to forsake all that he has cannot be Christ's disciple. The role of a minister in counselling for baptism is a sober responsibility and must not be taken lightly. Fulfilling that responsibility with utmost care will virtually eliminate the past problems of invalid baptisms.

Joseph Tkach, Ministerial Services

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Pastor General's ReportSeptember 18, 1979Vol 1 No. 7