Last week Hurricane "David," considered by weathermen the most severe hurricane of the century in that area, swirled in from the Atlantic and cut a swath of damage the length of the Caribbean.
Many of our members undoubtedly have faced one of the grimest weeks of their lives, but on the other hand, God's hand has so evidently been seen in the protection afforded them during the danger.
In Barbados the hurricane headed directly at the island where Mr. Bass had assembled the Caribbean ministers for a mini-conference. John Halford was attending en route from a series of church leadership and service seminars in Trinadad. At the last moment, hurricane "David" veered away and just battered the islands with strong winds. However, it then passed over northern Martinique and southern Dominica.
In Martinique we have over 140 members, most of whom live in the southern area of the island. On Sabbath 1st September, they all were accounted for at the services in their own church building — undamaged by the storm. Although private gardens and plantations had been damaged, no members had been injured nor had any of their homes been damaged. A miracle, considering the devastation around!
In Dominica (approximately 25 members), the hurricane devastated the island. The banana and coconut crops have been eliminated for at least two years and severe economic times lie ahead. The capital, Rosean, was severely damaged, however most of our members live in scattered rural areas of the island. Communications are cut and the one road from the airport to Rosean was still being cleared of debris. Mr. Bass (Regional Director for the Caribbean) was unable to get in. However, he hopes to be able to personally visit the members later this week and evaluate their needs then.
On Guadeloupe, there was much damage too, but all the members (approximately 25) were reported to be fine and in no difficulties. The hurricane then headed for the Dominican Republic and Haiti on the island of Hispaniola.
In the Dominican Republic, which was widely devastated, the airport is not yet open and we presume the three members there are fine as the area in which they live was not indicated to be the worst hit.
In Puerto Rico, no members have been seriously affected. There is severe agricultural damage running to $75-100 million and flooding is expected to follow as the less severe hurricane "Frederic" now passes to the north.
A further report will be included next week when we have more information.
South Africa
Mail income for July has been very encouraging, maintaining a 14% increase over last July. This represents only first tithe contributions that have been sent through the mail to us.
We have recently contacted 9700 PLAIN TRUTH readers who did not renew their subscriptions back in 1978. We are happy to say 13% requested further copies of the PLAIN TRUTH magazine. Many had moved, so the actual response rate from those who received the offer may be considerably higher. We feel these subscribers are especially valuable since they already have a basic knowledge of what we teach and what our Work is all about. With the revitalized content of the PLAIN TRUTH, we are hoping a number of these people will react very positively to it.
The 8600 letters and cards we received in July brings our year-to-date total to 61,600. This is 70% of the total incoming mail for 1978. If the current trend continues, we will receive 20% more mail in 1979 than 1978!
In the first seven months of this year we sent out 140,000 items of mail, which is 10% above what we projected for this period of time. This is partly due to a number of extra renewal projects that we decided to use to increase the PLAIN TRUTH mailing list.
New Zealand
God is continuing to bless the New Zealand Work with a very fine increase in mail and income. Mail during July quadrupled that received during the same month last year, bringing the year-to-date mail figure to 98.5% higher than for the same period in 1978. We have so far received 49,000 items of mail during 1979 — already surpassing the amount received in the entire year of 19781 Income for July was 30.1% up on July last year, bringing the year-to-date income figure to a very encouraging plus 30.6%.
The major reason for the massive influx of mail over the last four months has been our promotion of - The PLAIN TRUTH and The Dilemma of Drugs by a concentrated program of householder cards, newspaper and magazine ads, and radio spot ads. This advertising campaign has now brought in over 28,000 responses, at a cost-per-response of $1.67, Most of these represent brand new Plain Truth readers, bringing our current mailing list to 43,500 — more than double what it was just three months ago! All of these new readers are receiving the special introductory edition of The PLAIN TRUTH, providing them with an excellent introduction to the message have to give.
We're happy to be able to report fine figures for church growth, too. With the establishment of seven new churches in the outlying areas over the last 12 months, church attendance has risen by 44%. Baptized membership is up by 8% since July 1979, and the number of co-workers increased by a pleasing 84%.