Joseph W Tkach  

The Festival break this year for Pasadena employees begins September 29 and ends October 15. This means that all departments on campus will be closed during that period. All invoices that need to be paid before the Feast will have to be to the Accounting Dept. by September 20 to insure payment within the last week before the Feast.

The expense allotment checks that would normally be mailed about October 12 will probably be mailed on October 19. The November checks will be mailed at the normal time.

Central Clearing Account

By way of a reminder, the pink copies of the Central Clearing Account checks need to be kept permanently with the Church area that they were written for. In other words, when cleaning out your office, do not throw them away — keep them. If you are being transferred, give the pink slips to the new pastor: do not take them with you.

Also, please remember to send in the yellow Expense Report slips as soon as possible after writing a Central Clearing Account check. Our goal is to reduce the amount on the Exception Report to a reasonable figure. The only way we can do this is by receiving the yellow slips promptly from you.

We do appreciate all the help you have been giving us.

Joe Tkach

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Pastor General's ReportSeptember 05, 1979Vol 1 No. 5