Pastor's Report Staff  

On March 19 of this year, the first issue of the "Worldwide Church of God NEWS SUMMARY" was sent along with the Pastor's Report — both of which have since been renamed. "MEMBER'S HOTLINE" and "PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT respectively.

The original instructions for the "NEWS SUMMARY/MEMBER'S HOTLINE" called for each Church Pastor to duplicate enough copies locally for distribution to all heads of households in their congregations on the following Sabbath. Subsequently, we have learned that not all congregations around the world have been receiving copies of the MEMBER'S HOTLINE.

The following statement regarding the purpose of the NEMBER'S HOTLINE appeared in the June 25th PASTOR'S REPORT "Actually, the MEMBER'S HOTLINE is a summary of special late-breaking news in God's Work which would normally he announced from the pulpit each week [from the PASTOR'S REPORT]. Thus this publication, intended to be made available to heads of households in God's Church, allows our ministers more time for their sermons. Primarily, this publication has contained news updates concerning various aspects of the Sate of California's attack on God's Church. However, often other Church and College news from Pastor's Report, which should get to the brethren quickly, is also summarized and included in the MEMBER'S HOTLINE."

Mr. Armstrong is very concerned that the brethren be informed about developments in the Work of God as soon as possible. The MEMBER'S HOTLINE is a means of accomplishing this end, As you have probably noticed already, this week's issue of the MEMBER'S HOTLINE contains the entire text of Mr. Armstrong's special PASTOR'S REPORT letter dated August 2nd.

As originally suggested in the March 19 PASTOR'S REPORT, "a small donation of a dollar or so per person per year in each local area would take care of all paper and duplicating costs in each church." A number of those pastors who have requested such donations have reported receiving enthusiastic responses from the brethren — both monetarily for the HOTLINE'S reproduction cost, and for the news it provides them every week! (One resourceful pastor reported that he was able to purchase a relatively inexpensive used copier machine which now reproduces all the church's announcements, etc., in addition to the HOTLINE.)

Those pastors who have any questions regarding the MEMBER'S HOTLINE, or who have encountered special difficulties in its distribution, should write or call Mr., Joseph Tkach of Ministerial Services.

Pastor General's Report Staff

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Pastor General's ReportAugust 06, 1979Vol 1 No. 1