Roger G Lippross  

I've mentioned several times in this report what a great job all Plain Truth Newsstand co-ordinators are doing. Month in and month out the unsung heroes of the newsstand program keep plugging away. It is still our most valuable program in terms of gaining new readers of our literature.

We must always be trying to improve our newsstand response by being aware of waste or saturation indicated by the magazines not being picked up from one month to the other. With cost effectiveness in mind, Boyd Leeson recently put some figures together for me that shows that a simple one percent increase in response from our newsstand program means that we spend $20,000 less per month to maintain our present level of responses. This means that every little effort that the newsstand teams can make to improve their local response really pays off. With this in mind we are working on a totally new program to help those in the field improve the handling of their Plain Truth allocations. More on that later.

Just met with Frank Brown, who is in town for the International Conference. It's going to be a busy week for everybody. We are preparing film for a European version of the Introductory P.T., which we discussed at some length.

Roger Lippross, Publishing Services

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Pastor General's ReportJuly 16, 1979Vol 3 No. 27