The Good News magazine was brought back to life again by Mr. Herbert Armstrong in January of this year. It's about time for an update. The magazine is printed locally here in Los Angeles and is trucked back to our own mailing department here in Pasadena where Eric Shaw and his crew handle the labeling and work with the U.S. Post Office so that readers get their copy as soon as possible.
The circulation is holding at around 113,000 worldwide. This is because of the present policy of offering the Good News to members and co-workers only. The breakdown is as follows: the 83,000 U.S. copies are sent to 32,000 member households and 46,000 to co-workers. The remaining 30,000 go to our overseas readership and are shipped out from Pasadena each month.
We have been relatively successful with the use of bind-in literature request cards. The cards are at the moment pulling an average 10 times better than a booklet advertisement using a cut-out coupon. We have been getting an 8-10 percent response to the cards which shows that even members of God's Church respond better — just like the average reader — when a separate card or envelope is stitched into the magazine. The card makes requesting a booklet easier than using a cut-out coupon, or having to write a letter of request. Dexter Faulkner, the managing editor of the Good News, and I have felt for some time that members would read more of the new literature that was coming out if we made it easier for them to respond to our offers. Those bind-in cards seem to be proving the point. Members are a relatively untapped source of booklet readership.