Mr. Dibar Apartian returned a few days ago excited and encouraged after a visit to Quebec, Canada for the Pentecost weekend. He reported a record attendance of 141 at the combined Quebec City/Trois Riviere church service on Sabbath, June second. A number of the brethren drove nearly 200 miles to hear him.
On the day of Pentecost 752 (another record attendance) heard him speak before the combined Montreal (French and English) and Sherbrooke churches. (This time it was the English-speaking brethren who listened to a simultaneous translation through headphones). So many people were delighted to see Mr. Apartian again. It was four years ago that he went there to conduct a public appearance meeting, and 40 people came into the church from that meeting. Those brethren were thrilled to shake his hand again, this time as members of the church. He was particularly encouraged by the enthusiasm, attitude and support of the membership and ministry in that area.
Solomon Islands
We have seven members in the Solomon Islands (northeast of Australia, in the Western Pacific). Five live in Honiara, the capital city on the island of Guadalcanal. Those members there have arranged to locally pay for a series of advertisements in the local weekly newspaper, the News Drum (circulation under 3,000). The advertisements offer the PT and various booklets and are supplied from the Australian office.
To date, 46 responses have been received in the Australian office, but in the future a local P.O. Box will be used, which should increase the response rate considerably.
At first the newspaper was reluctant to publish the advertisement as there is regular resistance from a local church group which does not want any "outside" religions to have influence in the country. They issued a statement warning people away from requesting religious publications offered from outside the country. However, the local members are delighted that the paper, even though it reserves the right to reject any advertising it doesn't want to publish and despite the opposition, has printed them and has signed a contract to do so for 52 successive issues.
The World Tomorrow broadcast was also being aired on Radio Solomon Islands, but has been cancelled recently by the station. Soon after independence in the Solomon Islands, a new board was appointed to administer the local radio station. One of their first rulings was that no further paid religious broadcasts of any type would be accepted. They did indicate that this ruling may be modified in the future and in such a case would let their former clients know. The members are hoping this will eventually happen, but in the meantime, the PT subscription list is still increasing (from the present 350) as a result of the advertisements and personal referrals.