The Plain Truth magazine has recently received three design awards for article layouts. The awards were maze to designer Greg Smith by The - Society of Publication Designers. The specific layouts were "The Bee Knows All the Angels" (May '78); "Television — Pro and Con" (Oct/Nov '78); and "The Affluent Diet" (August '78). The layouts will appear at the Society's design show in New York City and they will be reproduced in the annual. Congratulations, Greg!
All members should have received the new healing booklet by Mr. Armstrong by this time. This week we will be talking with Frank Brown, Gordon Graham and others concerning the international PTs. Last week we had helpful discussions with Frank Schnee and Ralph Levy regarding the German and Spanish PTs. Upon Mr. Apartian's return from France we also hope to discuss the French edition with him, Roger Lippross and I have been working closely together in ironing out some of the wrinkles in the international area. We want to be certain that everyone's needs are being met, that all input from the international areas in duly considered, and that the PT is as effective as possible in all parts of the world. We welcome input from anyone concerned.
PT Circulation figures: I've been asked many times just what the present circulation of the PT is; I've also heard many widely circulation figures quoted over the past 6 months. So, just for the sake of accuracy, I'd like to pass on some of the latest statistics concerning the PT compiled by Ron Urwiller. The -total, worldwide circulation of the PT in all editions, including the newsstands was 2,303,214 for the March issue. This is slightly down from the total figure for January of this year: 2,383,713. While circulation figures are down in some parts of the world, they are up in others. Australia, Central and South America, the "Philippines, Southern Africa, Southeast Asia, and a few other international areas all register significant increases in PT circulation. Circulation has slipped somewhat in the United States, the British Isles, Canada and Germany, however.
Future circulation drives, direct mail efforts, the newsstand programs, and advertising campaigns all promise encouraging results. The newer overtly "religious" approach in the PT is going to have to be resold to our reading audience since they had gotten used to a somewhat more "secular" approach in the PT in recent years. It may take some months before circulation figures make a significant recovery, but we are confident that that will happen.