In the Pastor's Report of April 17, some statements regarding myself were made, with the best of intentions, designed to refute the false rumor started by, regretfully, my son, that I am senile, my mental and other faculties failing, and that I no longer head the Work — and indeed he falsely claims I don't even know what goes on at HEADQUARTERS.
Fellow ministers, most of you sat before me during the Ministers' Conference — you have, or SHOULD have unless dilatory, observed and heard ample evidence that my powers of leadership in this Work HAVE NOT DETERIORATED. In fact, I have continued to GROW in grace and the KNOWLEDGE of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In order that the brethren, as well as the ministry, might KNOW that my son's false accusation is a lie, I spoke, by prerecorded video tape, at EVERY Feast site, both on the opening night, and the first Holy Day morning.
I have been producing MORE WRITING than ever before in my life — until some ministers have said I write almost faster than they can keep up with me by reading what I write — in The PLAIN TRUTH, the GOOD NEWS, the WORLDWIDE NEWS, the PASTOR'S REPORT, regular and even more frequently than usual, Co-worker letters, beside working on FIVE FULL HARD-BOUND BOOKS to go into bookstores around the world.
Yet I sometimes wonder if some of you ministers have been "turned off," by such false accusations or your own ego and prejudice, from READING what the human head, UNDER JESUS Christ over the whole Work, has written for YOU to read. IF there are any such the Living Head of this. Work will reveal it to me in His due time, and appropriate action will be taken.
Let me here quote a portion of the Pastor's Report of April 17:
Quote: "Some ... (even a few ministers) have claimed that Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong is cut off, isolated from the ministry, having little or no contact with them."
Comment: I don't believe that either members or ministers claimed that. But my son Garner Ted did spread the rumor, and some, supposing all people begin to deteriorate mentally past age 60, have "swallowed" the false rumor. Just this morning I saw a newspaper report that Henry Ford II is now retiring at age 62. I have NOT retired — I do not personally believe in the American custom of retiring, and I am no more "senile" in mind than I was at age 49 — Garner Ted's age. In fact, his current writings show that it is he, not I, who is becoming senile of mind.
But to continue the quote from the April 17 Pastor's Report: "Mr. Meredith usually contacts Mr. Armstrong at least two or three times a week. Mr. Ellis LaRavia, Mr. Rader, Dennis Luker, Sherwin MicMichael, myself and others also have regular contact with him."
That is sufficient to show what I mean — one could gain the impression that the Church and all the Work is being run from Pasadena, and that those in charge — those at the HEAD of the Work, are in touch with Mr. Armstrong, and keep him informed on what THEY decide!
The writer did not mean to convey that impression, yet I am convinced several got that impression. Let us GET THIS STRAIGHT! JESUS CHRIST is the HEAD OF THIS CHURCH. His Headquarters now are at the throne of God the Father in heaven. Earthly human headquarters are WHEREVER CHRIST'S APOSTLE IS — whether at Tucson, Tokyo as it was last week, or Pasadena. Actually "Headquarters" is not a PLACE, a BUILDING, or a CITY. It is the one IN CHARGE! Since a year ago, I have again taken over complete charge of the entire Work — Church, College, Foundation.
Do I thus exalt myself, as some accuse? NEVER! Far from it. My son Ted has said that HE, Ted, built the Church and the Work. I apologize for him. JESUS CHRIST, the HEAD of this Church, built it. He used me, starting when Ted was a little child three years old. My son Ted tried to water down God's TRUTH. He caused Christ to withdraw His blessing, and has tried and is trying to DESTROY the Church of GOD! But CHRIST is ALIVE — the HEAD of this Church who BUILT IT, and He has chosen me as His earthly apostle and leader IN CHARGE! I do not exalt myself — I exalt Jesus Christ, but HE has put me in charge, here on earth, UNDER HIM!
Just what - IS my place in the Work?
Let me tell you what is my place in the Church — and the entire Work of God on earth.
More than 52 years ago, God put me through a traumatic experience such as few on earth have ever gone through.
He CONQUERED me. He showed me that His TRUTH was the precise OPPOSITE of what I had been taught and believed. He swept my mind CLEAN of every idea, belief, or teaching EXCEPT HIS TRUTH AS MADE CLEAR IN THE BIBLE! He converted me in a thorough manner few if any others have experienced. He brought me through a REAL repentance, a firmly established faith, and then He by His grace gave me His Holy Spirit, and with it the divine FAITH OF JESUS!
Then He caused others with whom I was fellowshipping (but not joining) to open the way for me to preach six nights a week in a small one room country school house near Eugene, Oregon. Following the 6-weeks' meetings, I organized those converted into a local Church of God — 19 members.
We were a SPIRITUAL ORGANISM — not a human organization — but we were organized on God's pattern. After two more such extended meetings I appointed two as elders, beside myself, and two as deacons. We were not incorporated for a few years, but we were an organized Spiritual Organism.
Radio opened to me. I had planned to publish a magazine called The PLAIN TRUTH. After radio opened to me, the way was opened February 1, 1934, to publish this magazine on a mimeograph.
The Church and the Work GREW — 30% a year for 35 years. GOD BLESSED US GREATLY! By 1946 God showed me the need to establish a college where young and up-coming ministers might be trained. There was no money available for it — just as there had never been sufficient money for anything — and all was done on sheer FAITH — that FAITH which God GAVE me through His Holy Spirit. In due time there was a college established in England, and one in Big Sandy, Texas.
Just what - IS my place in the Work?
God STARTED IT through me. He used me in founding Ambassador College. He has used me in starting and MANAGING The PLAIN TRUTH, the GOOD NEWS — EVERY FACET OF THE WORK. I never JOINED this Church — God started it through me. Christ, as living HEAD of the Church and Work, has used me as His chosen Apostle. No member is still living who was a member when the Church (Philadelphia era) was founded. The Church STARTED with me, and my wife Loma. Actually, for seven years, we were the only members of this Philadelphia era. We alone kept all the annual Holy Days. We did fellowship (meet with) those of the Sardis era — but never "joined" them.
Jesus Christ STARTED this present era of God's Church through me. On the human level, I have ALWAYS MANAGED IT, since the present era started.
Christ, as Head, has never raised up another Apostle. He still heads and RUNS the Church and all its Work through me.
I am, by force of circumstance, the chosen Apostle, and only and sole HUMAN leader of this Church and its entire Work.
NO MAN, or POWER of man, put me in charge of this Church and Work and NO MAN OR POWER OF MAN CAN PUT ME OUT! The authorized, though unconstitutional and illegal POWER, of the largest State in the Union TRIED to put me out.
THE RECEIVER FAILED! He resigned! The Courts, hostile to the Work of the Living God, have not appointed any further "Deceivers." I hope this makes clear my place in the Church.